Monday, February 14, 2011


      We're used to the turtle shells, animal bone, golden stone, bamboo slips, wood, and cloth, for remembering things, and writing things down. Yesterday, They found out about the invention of paper. It is said, that Cai Lun, who was eunuch of the Han dynasty, came up with the idea of paper. Education is starting to become more important, so could this be the next big step toward education?    
     there are many troubles with the animal bone, golden stone, bamboo slips, wood, and cloth. The animal bone was very hard to find, and the golden stone was very heavy. The good type of cloth costs a lot of money for everyone to write on, and people complain the bamboo slips and wooden boards take up too much space. during this time period, there is a great need for a cheap and easy way to get writing. After lots of practice, paper has finally been invented with twine, broken cloth, and unused net. 
     People are hearing that they think this could be a great contribution to the spread and development of civilization and education. Cai Lun was given a couple promotions, so far under the rule of emperor He. people are also spilling rumors saying that he was credited with an invention of someone in the lower class.
Emperor He is very pleased with this invention that Cai Lun created. he will be granted with an aristocrat title and lots of wealth.


  1. If this is your editorial, then you are off to a great start. Please proofread and edit, but all in all, it's pretty good. I would avoid saying "we". Keep it in the third person.

  2. oh this is my newspaper article aha

  3. This is a great start. Please take the "we" out i of it and carefully edit.
